VLC Media Player, since its release date, has been updated frequently. New features have come, making the software improve in many areas. The software has seen some great leaps in the field of media playing. But not everyone prefers the new versions. Some people like to stick to the old versions of the software they use. There are different places where you can download the old versions of this software.
Get Old Versions of VLC Media Player
VideoLAN project has protected all the released source codes of old versions of VLC Media Player. These you will have to compile yourself. They can be accessed from
Navigate inside the win32 and win64 sub-folders to get the VLC versions for Windows. There’s also a macosx subfolder for your .dmg file.
Alternative Location to Get Old Version of VLC Media Player
Several other websites keen on protecting old versions of VLC Media Player have stored many old versions of this amazing player. They can be downloaded from:
For Windows: http://www.downloadoldversion.com/vlc-media-player.html
For Linux: http://www.oldversion.com/mac/vlc-media-player/
For Mac: http://www.oldversion.com/linux/vlc-media-player/
Why Download Old Versions?
We might require old versions of software because of our:
Preferability: We just want to use the old versions. We are too used to the old version layout and features. New versions might be an improvement but we are satisfied with old versions.
System Limitations: As software and applications are upgraded, they demand more resources from our system. If our system stays the same, then upgrading it all the time will cause our computer as well as the software performance to go down. For that older versions are recommended for relatively low-end systems.
New Version Dissatisfaction: There might be people who are dissatisfied with the newer versions of software due to several reasons. Some people might miss the features which are removed from the old versions. Some might not like the layout and design of the new version. Due to these reasons people just stick to the old version of software including VLC Media Player.
please suggest me the version having frame to frame movement and slow motion video feature
The new version I allowed to download on Feb 7, 2021 will now no longer play my radio stations, even when I provide a pls file, so I want the version that did work and will never again trust vlc new versions.
Download an old version and it will work for you, if it did before.
I have a similar problem with the 3.0.x branch of VLC. It does not play my old VDR files (MPEG-2). VLC 2.2.8 does. I use Debian 9. So I run the Windows version of VLC 2.2.8 to play my VDR files.
I love VLC…but that love is turning sour recently. I cannot play my old movies that are in MKV format anymore, and VLC used to play ALL video file types. I might go and find other programs that will run what I’m trying to run.
It should be able to play them. Are the old versions still able to play them? Is the new version not able to play your MKV?
I very much enjoy your VLC product. That said, I am experiencing PROBLEMS when attempting to upgrade to your latest VLC version (3.0.6), from my current (nicely running) VLC Version (2.2.6 Umbrella). My PC is an Acer Aspire Timeline 1830T-3730 (with Intel Core i3-330UM processor, 1.2GHz, 3MB L3 Cache, 4GB DDR3 Memory, 500GB HDD, & perfectly running the latest Windows 10). When I select to download your latest VLC version, it progresses very quickly to about 21%, then switches to my HomeScreen (and shortly advises VLC has Crashed and invites me to send you a Crash Report, but then advises this has failed to your FTP Server). Can you help me please? Thank-you in-advance.