The latest version of VLC 3.0.14 is out and like the many versions released, this one too improves on the security issues of the already perfect media player. But while upgrading from VLC 3.0.12+, a strange popup appears that says we have to launch the installer manually after the download completes. Why it is happening […]
Category: Information
Information and latest news about VLC Media Player. Get up to date news and updates about this amazing software right on this page.

How to Install VLC on Chromebook (Chrome OS)
Chromebooks powered by Chrome OS are a special breed of lightweight computers that can perform basic tasks that most of us seek in a simple laptop. One of those tasks is to play video files. While the inbuilt video player is good, we can also use advanced players like VLC for Chrome OS. We can […]
Controls and Settings for VLC App in Windows 10
The last time, we discussed how VLC was available as a standalone app for Windows 10’s Microsoft Store. It is a basic app that supports every media format out there and is suitable for Windows 10 powered smart devices as well as laptops and desktops. It has features like opening videos and music from local […]

VLC app in Microsoft Store for Windows Devices
VLC is available in almost all modern platforms like Windows, Android, Mac, iPhone, & iPad (Apple Devices) and across several Linux distribution. It was always available in Windows as standalone software. However, with the incorporation of app stores in modern platforms, every operating system has one or several app markets. These markets host native application […]

3 Ways to Install VLC Media Player in Ubuntu Linux
VLC supports a number of Linux distros officially and Ubuntu is one of them. There are a number of ways VLC Media Player can be installed in Ubuntu Linux. The simplest way is to use the utility called Ubuntu Software Center which will install VLC for the Snap Store. Terminal or command line users can […]

Do You Want VLC to Restart or Continue the Playback Where Left Off?
One of the practical features of VLC Media Player is the ability to continue the playback from where we left off. Imagine that a 2-hour long documentary is playing in the application. You hit stop by accident. To continue from the same part, we would have to use the time toolbar and click on it […]

How to Set VLC Media Player to be Always on Top
If you do not want to be disturbed at all while watching movies, series, or other videos in VLC Media Player then one option we have is to set it to be Always on top. It’s an easy thing to do, just go to View > Always on Top. Activating this option means that other […]

VLC 3.0 Released – Download This Universal Media Player Today
The VideoLAN organization released the final version of VLC 3.0 Vetinari today. Moving from version 2.x.x to 3 is a major upgrade to this popular media player. Today (Feb 9, 2018) marks the day when the much-awaited VLC Media Player upgrade is released for all major platforms (desktop as well as mobile)—Windows, Windows Store, OS […]

How to Access Media from UPnP or DLNA using VLC
VLC can easily access media from UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) as well as DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance). The option is available in the View > Playlist section of the media player. UPnP and DLNA allow you to stream content over your local network. You can see televisions make use of this feature to […]

How to Play 360° Videos and Photos using VLC Media Player
VLC Media Player becomes the first mainstream media player to support 360-degree videos and photos out of the box. The latest announcement from the newsroom of the people who dedicated their time to create the most amazing video player app says that. So, from now on you will be able to play the spherical video formats […]